
Saturday, December 31, 2005


Saturday, December 31, 2005-6:50 Arizona Time
I was really dragging, so I finally took my temp and discovered I had another fever. After a few tylenol, I felt much better and was able to get up and do a few things around the house. We're watching the Suns, then a movie. Maybe I'll be able to stay awake for the whole movie!

I want to take this moment to thank all our faithful readers, and for all those who pray for us. I believe 2006 will find me well on the road to recovery, and I pray that the coming year will also bring you many blessings.

Friday, December 30, 2005


Friday, December 30, 2005--6:42 p.m. Arizona Time
Slept in late today, then met a friend for a movie and ice cream. I rested most of the afternoon, but was running a low grade fever and not feeling so hot. A few more meds, and a Suns game, have perked me up a bit. The way the roller coaster goes, tomorrow should be a better day.

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Thursday, December 29, 2005-7:28 Arizona Time

Jan writes: Pretty typical day. I joined Pat and Veronica in the grocery shopping and put away job, then rested. Later I pumped up tires on a couple bikes, then set up my road bike on the trainer. Boy, what anemia does to you! I could barely turn the pedals, and finally got tuckered out in 10 minutes! By the time all was put away and I got showered and dressed, I was done in again. I spent the rest of the day reading a Torey Hayden (favorite author) book: Twilight Children. It's another winner. No fanatastic Suns game on tonight, and I may just go to bed early tonight. The ups and downs of cancer treatment! The good news is, I really do believe the taxotere is knocking off the "bad" cells in the liver and that those good cells remaining are happily regenerating. That's what gets me through the valleys. I hope you believe that too--it will help it come to pass!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Wednesday, December 28, 2005-6:24 p.m. Arizona Time
Jan Writes: Chemo day, plus Procrit shot (for red cells). Club Chemo was packed, and I was lucky to get the last of 19 chairs in the room. The clinic is doubling up people's appointments in order to close for a couple days so the staff can enjoy a couple holidays. I've been feeling well today, just dealing with the usual goofy side effects. Today, as I looked in the mirror, I decided my red eyes and bald head make me look like the twin sister of Uncle Fester of the Adams Family. I also had to get outside to enjoy the beautiful day, so I sat out on the balcony for a bit.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Tuesday, December 27, 2005-8:37 p.m.-Arizona Time
Jan Writes: A long line at the lab and tearing eyes did not prevent me from attending our "Lunch Bunch" holiday gathering. Friends who at one time all worked at Desert Valley and regularly get together for lunch had their annual luncheon this afternoon. We ate well and enjoyed our usual funny white elephant exchange. It was good to be out with friends and sharing the holiday spirit. Tomorrow is chemo #2 in Round 3.

Monday, December 26, 2005


Monday, December 26, 2005-6:29 p.m. Arizona Time
Jan Writes: It was a beautiful day here in Phoenix, unseasonably warm in the 70's, so I made sure I got outside a couple times. Once I ambled down the street to the mailboxes; then I sat out on the balcony for a bit to read. To be honest, I probably spent more time watching the geese in the waterhole and the golfers trying to avoid that area! Generally speaking it was a pretty typical day, and I cannot really complain. :) And now, it's on to the Sun's game!

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Sunday, December 25, 2005-4:46 p.m. Arizona Time
Jan Writes: Prayers were answered in a positive way, and the roller coaster held steady at the top. The bonus was that I could taste the delicious ham we ate for our holiday meal. Our family enjoyed a quiet day at home. We talked on the phone with family members all over the country, and it was so good to hear everyone's voice. Blessings to all.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


Saturday, December 24, 2005-10:07 pm Arizona Time
Physically this was a roller-coaster day, up and down. Therefore, I rested much of the day, other than a few chores. This evening has been better, leaving me hope for a good day tomorrow. The Thompson family wishes all who read here a very Merry Christmas day, full of peace and love.

Friday, December 23, 2005


Friday, December 23, 2005-8:08pm Arizona Time
Jan Writes: A slow day for me, not at my best, and still struggling with bloating despite the new meds. Ah, well, maybe I can get used to carrying an extra 10 pounds around! I had a good nap this afternoon. Many friends and relatives have been so kind with their thoughtful gifts and their prayers. All are appreciated, and help me through these tougher days. Thank you, everyone!

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Thursday, December 22, 2205-9:08 Arizona Time
Jan Writes: Today could best be described as "comfortable." I felt pretty well, so was up and about doing a few chores and projects, in between rests. The procrit seems to have helped already, as it was a little easier getting up and down the stairs. We received a beautiful wintry plant and phone call from my sister Kathy in Minnesota. It was good to talk with her! We also had an opportunity to talk with and see my brother Tom on the computer for a nice chat. Both are reminders of what this season is all about: Love.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Wednesday, December 21, 2005-7:49 Arizona Time
Jan Writes: Good news from the doctor: the liver enzymes continue to decrease, which hopefully means the tumors are shrinking. Yea! I also received a pill for the ascites (swelling in the belly that makes me look like I'm pregnant!) and a pill to counteract its side effects. I also have started getting a shot of Procrit at each chemo session to help with the anemia. Today's chemo starts round 3 of Taxotere: 3 weeks of chemo, one week off. The doctor is taking good care of me. Today Veronica helped me make some holiday deliveries. I think I hear my bed calling me after this very busy day!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Tuesday, December 20, 2005-7:41 Arizona Time
Jan Writes: Today we did the usual Tuesday ritual blood draw, which was unremarkable. We get the results tomorrow at our meeting with the doctor, when hopefully we can find some more solutions to the new side effects that creeped up the past couple weeks. I spent much of the day alternating between baking and resting. And now it's frost cookies and watch the Suns time. Blessings to all.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Monday, December 19, 2005-8:38 PM Arizona Time
Jan Writes; I felt pretty good most of the day, so was up and about baking quite a bit. Maybe I overdid it because I didn't feel too well in the evening. Still low appetite/no taste buds, but I do feel alot more normal than I did a week ago! It was a beautiful day, and since my strength felt up a bit, I took Gracie for a short walk to the mailbox and around a few more blocks. Very freeing!

Sunday, December 18, 2005


Sunday, December 18, 2005-9:20 PM Arizona Time
Jan Writes: Veronica helped me run a few errands, which quickly tired me out. I joined Pat in watching some football and rested a bit. The side-effects of the Taxotere are gradually lessening as we near the end of our "vacation," and it's been good to feel a little better. I even managed some more baking this evening. Hope everyone has a good week!

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Saturday, December 17, 2005-7:12 PM Arizona Time
Jan Writes: Another restful day reading and dozing at home. My peeling hands are feeling much better after several nights of sleeping with them coated in bag balm lotion and inserted in plastic gloves. Nicki and Pat helped with the lifting with the laundry, making my job easy. Thanks, guys! Of course, we're watching to see if the Suns can pull off some more of their magic tonight.

Friday, December 16, 2005


Friday, December 16. 2005-7:18 P.M. Arizona Time
Jan Writes: The chemo break has really helped me feel almost human again. I'm still fighting the bad cold, but the digestive system is settling down. Today a few foods almost tasted normal, which is encouraging. My energy was up enough that I could do some holiday baking. Now, of course, we are watching the Suns before bedtime. A fine day by me!

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Thursday, December 15, 2005-8:53 Arizona Time
Jan Writes: Other than a couple quick errands, it was a quiet, restful day at home. The digestion has been better the last few days, probably due to the easier pace I kept. Sometimes it seems like cancer is so scary and such a terrible thing, and it can be. But like everything else in our unpredictable lives, there can always be something worse. Two students at Zuni Hills lost their lives yesterday morning in a home fire, along with their father and brother, and that is a terrible tragedy. The mother's emotional pain right now must be worse than any cancer. I'd appreciate if you'd include her in your prayers tonight as well. Thanks.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Wednesday, December 14, 2005-7:26 P.M. Arizona Time
Jan Writes: It was a housebound day, which would normally have me feeling cabin fever in no time. However, today it was very easy to stay in and rest, and still the hours passed quickly. Now we all gather round to watch the Suns, who struggle without their key performers. They play such a fast game, they are fun to watch even when they lose.

Thank you, friends and family who visit the blog. Some of you respond alot, some not at all, but I know you are out there supporting me, and I appreciate every visit, every positive connection.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Tuesday, December 13, 2005-8/11 Arizona time.
Jan Writes: I felt well most of the day, just a bit tired and weak. I listened to Pat and my brother Tom chat on-line. Later, We put up the Christmas tree, and the house is now complete. We feel cheery and ready to celebrate the best holiday of the year. It seems to be getting dangerous out on the streets, so may all your journeys be safe! Blessings to all!

Monday, December 12, 2005


Monday, December 12, 2005-9:22 P.M. Arizona time
Slept in until 9:00 and began a leisurely reading of the paper. Breakfast was minimal due to sore throat and no taste buds. I rested most of the day, with a little reading and lots of snoozing, even during the sad Suns game. The doctor called and gave me permission to take whatever I wanted (over the counter) for this sore throat and sinus. I feel better already! Basically it was a very restful day.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Sunday, December11, 2005-8:02PM Arizona time.

Jan decided that today would indeed be a day of rest. It pays to take a hint from the "Good Book". So she read the paper and books, watched football on TV and slept a little at the bidding of the snooze fairy. Not a perfect day, but better than yesterday!

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005-8:08p.m. Arizona Time.

Jan Writes today: This morning I found "diamonds" and enjoyed the first part of the day. Pat and I strung the outdoor lights. We still have to get the tree and do a few more indoor decorations, but right now there is enough to fill the home with the spirit of Christmas. Among the diamonds this morning was a nice chat with my friend Kim, which cheered and inspired me. Pat and I also did some errands purchasing supplies for chemo comfort. Then I was pretty pooped, so I rested for most of the evening. I am hoping to have enough energy to watch the Suns, who have been a great pleasure to watch and a good distraction.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Friday,December 12,2005-6:47PM Arizona time
Jan had very little energy today. She felt sick and tired all day long.
She tried to sleep it off, but these days are very difficult.
Some days are diamonds and some days are stone.
Maybe tomorrow we will find a diamond.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Thursday, December 08, 2005-9:56 Arizona Time.
Jan writes: The rollercoaster was weaving and up and down, but still left us enough good hours to get most of our Christmas cards done. Only the "stragglers," you know, the ones we can't find the addresses for, remain. Veronica and I took Gracie for a nice walk, and we love that the new collar makes her walk at MY slow pace without tugging. She saw a cottontail and wanted so badly to chase it, but walked calmly by our sides, earning herself some rather nice treats. Later, I also had some time to work on a few Christmas projects.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Wednesday, December 7,2005-7:39 PM Arizona time.
Ah Yes, another "chemo" day. Its woo and woe! Wooed by the positive effect the anti-emetic drugs bring and woe for the digestive tract which decides to stop in its tracts.A very horrible pun, but it basically tells the story, if you read between the lines. So Jan sits propped up against the family room wall comforted by a pillow and a heating pad to her back. Her white blood cell counts were low enough today that she was given a booster shot of Neulastin to help boost the bone marrow's production of those cells. Its another one of those days that if you have cancer, you can't say that you are overwhelmed with pain. Thus,for a person with cancer, it is a good day. For the rest us, there is only hope that we never see the "day".

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2005-9:22 pm Arizona Time
I felt well most of the day again today, although tired and sleepy. I did find time between naps to begin decorating the inside of the house as well as fixed Gracies's "No-Tug" leash, which worked well for a half mile test flight. Then I took about an hour nap, so I could stay awake to watch the awesome Suns game. Go, Suns!

Monday, December 05, 2005


Monday, Dec. 5, 2005-9:17PM Arizona time.
Jan Writes: Today was a good day, meaning I felt fine all day. Hooray! I was a little tired in spots, but managed do to some errands with my Chauffeur, Veronica. I did a little reading and a little crafting and a little snoozing: a full day!

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Sunday, December 4, 2005-7:22 Arizona Time
Jan Writes: Today was pretty much an instant replay of yesterday. I dozed quite a bit during football and basketball games, as well as during some attempts at reading. It was nice to have the whole family home today and enjoy some time together.
Blessings to all who read here.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Saturday, December 3, 2005-8:17 Arizona Time
Jan Writes: Today was a drowsy day. I tried to get up and do a few things around the house, but as soon as I sat down, I'd be nodding off. The family got such a kick out of me trying to weave some Christmas baskets, as I would doze off mid-weave. It took a long time to do anything today. The good news is, I felt well, even though sleepy.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Friday, December 2, 2005-8:16 Arizona Time
Jan Writes: Tonight Pat is announcing the Ironwood Girls' Soccer Game, which is one of his favorite activities. It's been a quiet day at home, some parts up, some parts down. Thanks for visiting today.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Thursday, December1, 2005-8:12 Arizona Time
Jan Writes Tonight: As expected, all my activity yesterday led to a quiet day today. I slept in until 9, then really couldn't get going until noon. I did manage to pull myself up off the couch for a half hour bike ride on the patio. It was a beautiful day, and I enjoyed watching Gracie play with a golf ball (course living perk) and splash in and out of the waterfall pond a few times. A half hour passes quickly when you're used to three and four hour rides! However, I am more tired after the 30 minutes than I ever was after a long ride. I will build my strength up as my body is ready. It's just so wonderful to be able to be riding at all. The rest of the day, I worked on catching up with emails and resting. A peaceful day at home.

Some of my friends have asked how to respond to the blog. You can click on "anonymous" if you don't want to make your own blog. Or you can go to the right side where my photo is. Click on "View my complete profile." There you will find my blog email, which will allow me to respond to your email. Good luck!

Thanks to all who tell me they read regularly, but don't respond. I believe that even your focusing on the blog sends me positive energy, and I appreciate your support!