
Thursday, April 27, 2006


Thursday, April 27, 2006-9:18PM Arizona time
The final leg of Jan's journey took us to her
Memorial service held earlier tonight at the Heritage
Chapel. We celebrated Jan's life with tears and laughter
and an abundant measure of hope and joy. Thank you for
the memories and the stories and the consolation of
your presence and support.

And so the blog of Jan's Journey ends just inside the doorstep
of heaven where a new angel is testing her wings with joy
and remembering her friends with a smile.

Jan, Pat, Veronica and Tyler


  • At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And what a wonderful service it was! Thank you, Pat, Veronica, Tyler, and family, for sharing your happy memories and final moments with Jan with us. She will be forever in our hearts.
    Susan Pratt

  • At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The service was beautiful. Thank you for sharing your loving memories of Jan with us. Thank you for sharing Jan's journey on this blog. It was inspiring to read of her strength and positive attitude through her illness and the love and support of her wonderful family. She will never be forgotten because she touched everyone she met in such a positive way. She truly is an inspiration. God Bless you and help comfort you through your loss. Kathy Anderson

  • At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Pat, Tyler and Veronica,

    This beautiful and heart warming blog will always be a treasured part of your lives. Cherish it.

    I feel that I need to say something about my last contact with Jan.

    I hadn't seen Jan in a few years, although we should all know that distance is never a barrier for those that have touched your life. After reading my comments on this blog, she tried to track me down. I was very surprised to hear her voice on my answering maching one day. She said that she wasn't sure whether or not she had the right number but if so, she would like a return call. I called her immediately and even though she was dozing off to sleep, she still wanted to talk. We had such a lovely and heart warming conversation. I am so grateful that we had connected and were able to share our past and present lives. This is the memory I will take with me and feel blessed to have had such a wonderful woman be an inspirational part of my life. As one last note, if it helps you at all, please know that Jan is not gone, but only away for a while until you will all be together again. Hospice services will be there for you throughout the year as you transistion. They will be a great help and comfort. If you need some extra help or support, please don't hesitate to contact me.


    With Love, prayers and supprot to all of you, Lauren Ellis


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