
Monday, March 27, 2006


Monday, March 27,2006-8:52PM, Arizona time
Jan was tired and sleepy most of the day. We did manage a walk and a trip to the doctor. He wanted to insert the peritoneal catheter, but declined to do the prodedure and rescheduled Jan for Wednesday. He felt the procedure would be safer, if we waited a few more days. The greater the amount of fluid in the abdomen, the less likely it is that the catheter will
puncture her intestines and/or an internal organ. An abundance of fluid in the abdomen means that there is more space between the abdominal wall and the internal organs. And it is into that space that the catheter is inserted. Today the space was too small to justify the risk associated with the procedure. If Jan had been terribly miserable, he would have tried it because the benefits would outweigh the risks.
However,Jan is generally resting comfortably and in good spirits.
Alls well,


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