
Thursday, February 09, 2006


Thursday, February 9, 2006--6:50 p.m. Arizona Time
Jan Writes: I am dozing quite a bit with the new drugs, but they are helping. Today I was able to fit into my sweat pants, so the fluids are beginning to drain off. I'm getting stronger and have better balance as well, and I'm hoping to be able to climb the stairs before long. Sleeping downstairs is not a problem; I can sleep any time, anywhere. Furthermore, sponge baths are easy when you're bald! Tyler had a wisdom tooth pulled this morning, so Pat has played nurse and tax man for the family all day, among ten million other chores. He really deserves some Kudos for his daily care for this family, especially now when it has been so hectic. Today we had a visit fom the hospice social worker. They really cover all their bases! My own walker arrived today, so Veronica took Kim's back while out running some errands. I am ready to rock and roll!


  • At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Jan,
    You sound much better today.
    Yeah! I was thinking of you when
    I realized the Olympics start
    today. I like the bobsleds and
    skiing and skating so much.
    Just wanted to let you know
    we are all thinking of you.
    Kathy S.(BDClub)

  • At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry I have not written for awhile. I've been in a sleep time warp since the baby was born. I've gone back and read your journey from December to the present and what a journey it has been. I know I will sound like a broken record but your positive attitude continues to be an inspiration. I'm glad to hear you have more energy and that your jelly belly is getting smaller (we can compare notes :) Our experience with hospice has always been wonderful and I'm glad you are able to receive this care.

  • At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Jan, glad to hear you are feeling good. Here is a good joke.

    Band student: Our school band played the Beatles last night!

    Gym student:Who won?

  • At 9:37 PM, Blogger JansJourney said…

    The above post was written by my nephew, Cole. Great joke, Cole. Keep them coming!


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