
Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Wednesday, Feb. 8th--7:06PM, Arizona Time
Jan Writes: We decided that I should do the blog tonight to show you that I am not on my deathbed, which many people assume when Hospice is in the picture. Actually, hospice is providing me with wonderful individual care, with our immediate goal to resolve the side-effects of chemo. We have already had 2 nurses to the house, one to explain the program and one to get a few things started for me. The nurse today gave a thorough exam and gave both suggestions to aid comfort and also ordered different pills. These new pills will knock me out for a few days until my body adjusts. The reason Pat is taking over for awhile is that it takes me forever to write the blog -or anything- due to the drugs and the peripheral neuropathy that does not allow good motor control. I have to tell you I am feeling much better, legs and tummy are less swollen, taste buds are gradually coming back, mouth sores are healing. So progress is being made in the physical realm. Hearing "Hospice" is a shock, but it will not reduce the length of my life at this point. It will help me feel better to enjoy the days left. We've been blessed with many, many miracle days since the BMT in Tucson-8 years of "bonus days," And now we are we blessed with a few more, each of which we will cherish.

FYI: There have been lots of letters and calls, which we appreciate. I will be responding as I can during awake periods. As I mentioned above,Pat will probably blog most evenings for awhile, we guess. But you know the cancer roller-coaster, things change at a moment's notice. C'est le vie!

Thank you for this continuous outpouring of love and prayerfulness. Blessings, Jan


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