
Thursday, April 06, 2006


Thursday, April 6, 2006-9:05PM Arizona time

Multi hugs to the departing Bill and Kathy.

Thanks to Sandy Chemsak, Kellie Hernandez and
Pam Miranda for helping with the Pride of Peoria dinner.

Today, Jan is experiencing some blurred vision, but she just had her eyes checked a couple of weeks ago, so we don't think it is related to a vision problem that is correctible with a change of lenses.Tomorrow' the hospice nurse returns to drain Jan's abdomen. The paracentesis is performed every two days and approximately 1200cc of fluid is collected each time the abdomen is drained.

Tonight, Tom treated us to Pizza which, at this moment, is still trying to settle in a stomach which is friendly, but stuffed.
All in all a very good day which leaves us remembering these words from a song in the Broadway musical, "Annie".

The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun!

And a very good evening to all....


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