
Sunday, November 20, 2005


Sunday evening, November 20, 2005- 7:01PM Arizona time.

Jan displayed her competence at mechanical skills by assembling her new bike trainer. She insisted on doing it herself, and by golly, she did a really fine job. The irony is that after she completed the project, she was too tired to ride the bike that sat on the trainer she had just built.:) I think that her red blood cell count is getting low because she feels cold a lot of the time and is easily tired. She is beginning to lose her hair,and evidence of platelet loss is beginning to appear as her blood does not clot normally or quickly. All these effects are anticipated byproducts of the chemotherapy, and Jan is making the kind of adjustments that compensate for them. For example, she recently bought several woolen hats to cover her head after she loses her hair.
However, when all is said and done, it was and is a generally good day at the Thompson household; With one exception- it appears that some special dog "tenders" (treats for the dog) were mistakenly placed in our candy/treat cupboard, and that I inadvertently snacked on a few, unaware that they were intended for dogs and not humans. Veronica laughed herself silly when she learned of my ridiculous folly. Well, at least, I haven't started barking for my dinner......yet.


  • At 7:52 AM, Blogger Brother Tom said…


    Keep Pat on a "short leash"...he might just start chasing cars!

    Ruff ruff!

    Luv, Tom

    PS..I was just thinking about you putting together your bike trainer...then I got tired just thinking about it...took a nap.


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