
Thursday, October 27, 2005


Thursday,October 27th,2005. 11:28AM
In her own words:"We are much more optimistic now that we know the cancer, although large, is limited to the liver. The chemo went well, and was nothing compared to the drugs I did the first time back in 1997. Those drugs were nasty going in, and took a couple weeks to feel human--just in time for the next treatment. So I am encouraged that these drugs will not be so nasty. I'm recovering from all the fasting and radioactive chemicals that have been in my body, plus the adjustment to the pain meds. Things are setttling down, and I'm feeling more human. Energy is weak, appetite slow but better, and at least I can sit and write here at the computer- my connection to my family, friends, and love. I feel the power of your love and prayers--they are working! Thanks, to everyone!"


  • At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ALRIGHT JAN!!! Great to hear your not dealing with the nastiness of last time. What you wrote this morning brought one of my favorite verses to mind and so I must share it with you. 11 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in your weakness." The Lord is our strength when we turn toward Him and turn our weaknesses over to Him. We are looking forward to some more great---good days for you and an easier regimen of treatments. We Love You!! Buddy


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